Even More Decorative Baby Shower Themes

One popular baby shower theme is based on old Nursery Rhymes. This kind of shower encourages guests to bring books as gifts, although snowshakers, ceramic figures, linen and baby clothes decorated with popular characters from rhymes and fairy tales are also a good choice. Money can also be collected for the mom-to-be in Mother Hubbard’s old boot.

A paper tablecloth can be decorated with written out nursery rhymes and paper cutouts of popular nursery rhyme figures can be used to decorate the walls.

A decorative centerpiece can be made of “silver bells and cockle shells” (lilies of the valley and seashells.)A small pot of ivy is a suitable party favor to present to departing guests.

You might also want to try a Clothesline Baby Shower. This kind of shower encourages guests to bring clothing as gifts for the newborn. The clothesline is strung up across the party area and as guests arrive they pin their gift to the clothesline. Paper money is also sometimes pinned to the clothesline.

If you are invited to a clothesline baby shower it is also acceptable to bring a pack of disposable diapers as a gift.

If the mommy likes vintage and frilly stuff then try throwing a Victorian Tea Party Baby Shower.Dust off the old china and iron your oldest and prettiest linen and lace tablecloth for this kind of party, which is patterned after the Victorian era. For this kind of party, guests are sent official invitations in white envelopes that ask for an RSVP. Another twist on this kind of party is the “Mad Hatter” theme in which each guest is encouraged to wear their most outrageous hat to the event.

Finger foods, cookies and pinwheel sandwiches made of cream cheese, egg salad and tuna are usually served at these parties along with copious amounts of tea served from the oldest silver teapot you can beg, borrow or steal.

An arrangement of tea roses, violets and baby’s breath makes a fine centerpiece. Another nice touch is to make a display area that features framed photographs of the mother’s relatives so guests can get a peek at the family tree.

An excellent party favor for this kind of shower is a tiny picture frame or silver spoon slipped inside tulle or a satin pouch.

If Mom does not have a lot of money you can also do a Freezer Shower. e idea behind this party is to spare mom the expense and inconvenience of having to cook while she has so much else going on. Guests are encouraged to bring homemade meals that can be stowed in the freezer.

Casseroles, lasagna, stews, soups, moussaka, spaghetti sauces, curries, pilafs and cakes are foods that freeze well and that will keep mom well fed for months.

A potted herb, such as rosemary, sage or thyme is a nice party favor for your guests to take away and put on their windowsill.

Decorative Baby Shower Themes

There are hundreds of themes for baby showers, and perhaps the perfect theme lies somewhere in the region of your imagination. For instance, if the mother-to-be is addicted to reading tabloid magazines, you might want to throw a shower that features a collage of celebrity babies. If she is into astrology, you might want to consider having the baby’s chart done or visiting a site on the Internet that helps you name a star for the baby.

Try a Baby bookworm Party! You might wantThe point of this party is to make sure that baby grows up with a well-stocked library, so guests are encouraged to bring a children’s book as a gift. Really creative hostesses may want to suggest that participants dress up as their favorite character from a children’s story such as Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Another clever idea is to serve typical foods, yet create placards that give them clever names. Egg salad or tuna sandwiches could be served up as The Mad Hatter’s Tea Sandwiches and pumpkin pie as Harry Potter’s Magic Pie. A cake can also be baked to resemble an open book upon which is a verse in honor of the mother is inscribed with icing.

A good game for literary types is Baby Scrabble, in which guests try to create words that only have to do with babies, or try to invent baby names.

For this kind of party, it is a nice idea to send guests away with a miniature bible as a party favor or a Polaroid photo of the guest with the mom. Make sure to take two pictures so Mom has a copy for her photo album.

You might also want to try throwing her a Sock Party! This party is created around the theme of tiny baby socks. The socks can be blue, pink or yellow depending on whether the parents know the sex of the baby. Usually the invitations are stuffed inside a small baby booty or sock that is mailed out to the guest. Guests may also be encouraged to return the baby sock with a cash donation that is then hung from a clothesline or a “sock tree.”

These kinds of showers are often decorated with what are called “sock flowers.” These are imitations of roses made by rolling back a pair or two of baby socks so that they resemble rose petals. A balled up sock represents the bud and the other socks are folded over to look like flowers and attached to a wooden stem. Mom is presented with a bouquet of baby sock flowers at the end of the shower.

The cake may also be created in the shape of a baby sock or baby bootie. Guests may also take home a party favor, chocolates or a charm, wrapped up in a baby bootie or shoe.