How to Decorate A Church For a Wedding

Decorating a church for a wedding requires a selective and careful touch. This is because it is in a place of worship. In the end the decorations can’t be too wild or elaborate because it is a sacred space. It has to look dignified. Remember this is a public place and not your personal party room.

Before applying your imagination to decorating the space you need to talk to the church administrator and see what is allowed. Some churches don’t allow things like lit candles or tossed flower petals. Some churches have a no-decorating policing in general. Ask first and then decorate however you can accord the church rules. Some churches will only allow silk flowers because their members have allergies.

Flowers are one of the most popular and traditional of items used for church decorations. You can decorate the archways, posts and entrance ways. Consider using flowers in a variety of colors to create an exotic touch.

To keep things in place, consider placing bouquets of flowers in baskets around the aisles and at the front of the church. Two baskets of flowers on either side of the entrance where the bride will emerge is a nice touch. You can also place garlands of flowers over arched doorways or in the back of pews. Many brides opt to have balloons attached to all of the pew posts as well. This gives the church pews a very festive flair!

You can go wild decorating the church pews. You can use floral swags or swags or fabric to make them look more unique. Gossamer or organza in the color of the bride’s color scheme is nice.

You might also want to try innovative touches such as filling white lace umbrellas with petals and hanging them from the pews. Horse shoes, corded braid, mini wicker baskets filled with petals, shells and sequins can help decorate a pew.

You can also decorate existing column or pillars or rent movable ones. A decorated arch looks nice around the alter area. Don’t decorate a religious statue with a garland unless you have permission to do so first.

If the Church allows candles these too can add quite a romantic touch to the ceremony. Candles are available in range of colors, shapes and sizes and many are also scented.

Don’t forget to decorate the outside of the church as well. You can line the walk with candles and plants or festoon railings and other architectural details with balloons and ribbons. You can also mount your own floral arches at the entrance of the church to create a spectacular effect.