Feng Shui Decorating Tips for a Peaceful Home

In these troubled times your home should be your sanctuary. Feng Shui, which translates from Chinese to mean “wind-water” is an ancient art that teaches us how to arrange furniture, belongings, and other parts of our home to enjoy better health, prosperity, comfort, and a higher quality of life overall.

Here are some tips from the realm of Feng Shui (the ancient art of object placement) to give your home a more harmonious and peaceful vibe.

CLEAR ALL CLUTTER. You have probably heard this advice again and again when it comes to Feng Shui but it really is true that good energy does not generate in a messy home. Clutter is negative because it traps Shar Chi (negative energy) in places and this can manifest itself in conflict amongst family members and visitors. Clutter also causes boggled thinking and confusion.

CLEAN YOUR DRAINS. Water represents emotions in Feng Shui so if your drains are clogged then it symbolizes old repressed feelings like resentment or jealousy overwhelming the psyche. Make sure your drains work properly so that people are not holding onto negative things in your relationships. Flooded sinks, bathrooms and toilets mean a personality that is also flooded with negative emotions.

GET RID OF SHARP OBJECTS. Don’t leave sharp objects like scissors, pliers or knives just lying around. Put them away and make sure they are sheathed. Don’t hang knives on the wall or put them on display in the kitchen either. You should also not have decorative swords or knives hanging on the wall. Sharp objects symbolize harsh words and the cutting of ties in important, intimate relationships.

PUT UP PICTURES OF NATURE. Pictures of flowers, birds or peaceful landscapes help set a peaceful tone for the room and create calm and quiet. Cityscapes and ships sailing on stormy seas create an opposite effect. If you put up pictures of flower buds or birds in duos you encourage the sustaining of a relationship and fidelity. If you are single pictures of birds or blossoms in duos can help you meditate on the goal of finding a true love.

PAINT ROOMS IN A SINGLE COLOR. Painting a room too many colors can cause disruptive energy. To keep a peaceful atmosphere about the home paint each room a single color or in a single color palette. Some colors are definitely more calming than others and this may depend on personal taste. Pinks are calming for some individuals and yet others like dark earth tones and greens. Loud colors such as bright red are not that calming for most people but once again the color may depend on the context of the room.