Decorating With Classy Room Accessories

If you want your room to look dignified, refined and classy then there are definitely some decorative touches you can use to achieve the effect. Follow the tips in this article to avoid looking like you are suffering from a case of bad taste.

One way to not look tacky is to decorate with natural fabrics, woods and colors. Natural objects also add a touch of class to palace. These objects can include dirtied leaves, seed pads, sea shells and stones. These found objects can be grouped together on a table or framed by wood with a block of glass over it. Groupings of vintage green or blue glass look sophisticated, especially on a round copper or glass table.

Vintage industrial lamps are also very hip and also classic looking. These are the types of lamps on arms that used to be used in doctor’s offices. They look best if left slightly distressed. They are also easy to angle so you can highlight a nice piece of furniture, collectibles or artwork groupings with their beams.

Using thick white cotton towels in your bathroom imply class and sophistication. It gives the bathroom a spa-like feel. Use shells or other natural objects as soap dishes.

Objects that are older that are painted white also add an element of chic to a room especially when combined with an exotic, posh newer object such as a cow skin or zebra rug thrown on the floor.

Dragging objects that would typically be used outdoors or in gardens can give a place a touch of class. Objects that work best are benches, urns and statues. Wooden statues and natural wood bowls look elegant and tasteful.

Clear glass objects can also give a dash of sophistication and gleam to any room. Hang crystals in the window and use glass balls, domes, jars or disks to reflect light. The occasional antique object, like an old Tiffany lamp, adds a bit of interest without becoming kitschy.

A classy room is also one that boasts some artworks. The most tasteful look is a grouping of black and white photos on the walls.

White walls with a dark floor most imply sophistication as do floor length fabric drapes that let the sun’s rays shine through. Sometimes chiffon or sheer lace curtains work well but the best type are light cotton drapes hung from simple curtain clips and from a simple wrought iron rod.

The bottom line – when it comes to classy décor, simple equals sophistication.