How to Make Your Own Christmas or New Year’s Crackers

Crackers are those decorative tubes that you crack and half and when they make a loud pop they snap in half and toys or party favors fall out. They were originally popularized during Victorian times but have been a holiday tradition since 1847.

They can be expensive to buy but you can easily make your own. To make them all you need is cardboard tubes (the size of toilet paper rolls), decorative wrapping paper, a glue stick, pretty ribbon and one package of snapper strips which is available at craft stores. You will also need a selection of toys, charms, fortunes, paper crowns and other tiny novelties to stuff inside of them.

You can use cardboard tubes for the body of the cracker and another one that is cut in half as the part that will split and half and break it open. Run a strip of glue along the length of the long tube and position the tube, glue side down, to the center of the long side of the gift wrap making sure the paper is smooth and not wrinkled. You should then let the glue dry.

You then need to roll up the half tube in the paper and glue it again where the paper overlaps. Be sure to add glue in a long strip down the entire length of the decorative paper and let it dry so that it is evenly rolled in the paper.

It is then time to insert the charms, toys, hats and jokes into the covered cardboard tube. You should insert the snapper strip so that it hangs out the other end close enough to the edge of the paper to grasp with your thumb and forefinger. This enables the user to snap it so it makes a popping sound when it is eventually broken open. Gently cinch the paper on either side of the roll where the paper ends and fold the paper around for neat edges. You should then tie each end with pretty ribbon create the familiar cracker shape.

Finally, insert the short cardboard tubes into the cracker ends, one end on each side of the body roll so the ends meet nicely together. You can then decorate the crackers with ribbon, glitter, monograms, cut out flowers, felt snowflakes and other decorations.
A nice touch is to include a heartfelt personal thank you to the guest that opens the cracker. This is not the kind of detail that you get when you buy these from a store.