How to Decorate A College Dorm Room

Most dorm rooms come furnished. You usually get a desk, closet, bed and dresser. However you might want to jazz it up a bit and add certain accessories. Usually the college will just post a picture of what a typical room looks like ion the website so you can figure out what you might want to bring. As the room has furniture just forget bringing any heavy furniture like heavy armoires up the elevators. It’s not worth it and usual big furniture makes the place look crowded. Go for lighter colored furniture like Ikea makes instead.

However before you go out and spend a lot of money on stuff you should talk to your roommate if you have one. You might get a roommate that is already bringing quite a few things to the room.

One way to make the room look a little nicer is to invest in some lamps. This gets rid of the harsh lighting that usually provides lighting for an entire room. A small desk lamp and maybe a lamp near the bed provides adequate, yet cozy lighting. For a bit of mood lighting consider buying a clock with a neon rim or a lava lamp.

Sometime dorm beds can be really low. They have stubby little legs that make it hard for you to store stuff under the bed. You can usually get a pair of Bed Risers to elevate the whole bed so that you can put stuff underneath it.

The cold floors of the Dorm can also be lightened up by putting down a grass mat or a shag rug in an exciting color like purple or orange. Most dorm rooms have curtains but the place can look more stylish if you match the curtains to the rugs or add a pair of bamboo slatted blinds or sheer curtains of your own.

One of the biggest storage problems in a dorm is where to put the laundry hamper. You can buy very cute plaid or patterned ones that collapse easily nowadays. For a more rustic look you can keep your laundry in an antique trunk or wicker hamper at the end of the bed.

Just a word about wicker and grass mats. These items are cheap and if placed strategically they make everything in a cold, clinical room look a bit friendlier.

How to Decorate With a Butcher’s Block

A butcher’s block is much more than just a slat of wood. It is a decorative and sometimes valuable object that can tell people who you are.

For one thing they come in all kinds of different types of wood. Some of the nicest ones are made of large Vermont Maple or Walnut.

If you want a really nice cutting board be prepared to spend some cash. Remember that you are not looking for just any old plastic cutting board from Ikea. Some of the cheaper cutting boards that are made of wood are barely worth the investment because they harbor so many bacteria in their seams and cracks.

Here are six things you should look for when investing in a high-end quality cutting board –
1. Make sure you like the way it looks. If you don’t like beige colored woods then don’t get a cutting board that is made of beech or birch or some other type of light colored wood. If you don’t like dark woods then stay away from walnut or mahogany cutting boards. Each type of wood has a character and it should be friendly to your tastes as it will be yours for a very long time.
2. Make sure it matches your kitchen. It is a good idea to try and match the wood of your cutting board with the wood or wood veneer in your kitchen. If there is no wood in your kitchen make sure the color of the wood matches the paint job in your kitchen. If you are planning to redecorate again and again then go for the butcher’s block that is the plainest looking.
3. Look for a board that has been treated with mineral oil before it leaves the shop. This will keep it sealed, moisturized and resilient to scratches with sharp knives and butcher blades.
4. Make sure the board is made out of solid wood and not somehow glued together from two pieces of wood. Not only can wood cutting boards boast seams that trap bacteria but they can split when they get wet. The kinds of industrial glues that are used to put together wood like this are also not very healthy for humans. Furthermore one hard whack with a knife at the wrong angle could cause the board to split and cause the board to split.
5. Look for an unvarnished cutting board. Cutting boards with varnish can leach poisons into your food.
6. Look for a high quality butcher’s block or cutting board that has rubber feet. This prevents your countertops and table tops from being marred. Without these feet you can leave dents or marks due to the blunt force of chopping motions applied to the block.

As you can see there is a lot more to consider when decorating with a butcher’s block then you probably originally contemplated!